Sunday, December 4, 2011

Real Life-Garden

Needtobreathe: Garden (Acoustic)

Song of the day...just listen to the lyrics. SOOO GOOOD!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Real Life- Gods Will

Question of the day: What is Gods will?

Lately I've been laying in my bed, sick, but with plenty of time to think about things and life in general. I haven't decided yet if that is a good thing or a bad thing, but either way its a time to reflect and just think. Last night I found out that there is a relatively good chance one of my best friends will have to transfer out of Gardner Webb. Of course this made me really upset because even though a person is just simply moving away, to me it is a lot like losing a part of you. I treat my friends as my family and I hold them very close to my heart. When I was talking to this friend about being sick, Gods will was something that came up, that if this was Gods will then we have to trust in Him, which I completely agree with. BUT... yep it was coming, the thing I've been thinking about is what if what I think is Gods will and what someone else believes is Gods will is completely different, which is why the question of the day is what is Gods will?

I know this question seems far out and maybe there isnt really a clear answer to it...but, I dont know really how to finish my thought so I'll just leave it at that.... if you got any answers throw em at me. 

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Real Life- EMIE

Time for another friend introduction, someone who in the past month or so has been growing closer and closer to my heart and I am crazy thankful for, her name is Emie. I first met Emie through Young Life leader training, but I'm still not completely sure how we have become good friends but I know for sure its been an awesome journey so far. 

I'm not always a person who realizes when God is showing up in my life, I see His creations and admire the beauty of it all but generally things don't just jump out at me. Over the past couple years I've definitely seen Gods work through people He has placed in my life which is why I talk about my friends so much because they have worked in my life so much over the years and through them God is so clear to me. Through Amy, Chelsea, Hannah, Brittany, and now Emie, its a wonderful thing.

In Emie I see a strong woman through God, someone who doesn't take things for granted and always sees the glass half full. I see so much love from the way she loves her family to the way she loves the stranger sitting next to her in class, constantly pursuing people and finding good in everyone and everything. I see, patience, boy this is something I lack which is why its a quality I tend to admire most. I also see a good friend with a good heart who loves me for me and that is always something I am extremely thankful for and couldn't ask for anything more.

I love the friendship we share which we haven't shared for long but thats the exciting part, so much more to learn and many more memories to make and lots of laughter to share cause she's a funny one. I am so thankful for her and this opportunity to build a new friendship where the Lord is so evident. 

Love you Emie!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Real Life- Thanksgiving

Earlier in November a friend of mine brought up the idea of sharing daily something we were thankful for because it was something that her family did every year in the month of November before Thanksgiving. Obviously we should be thankful every day not just this one time of year but this idea was cool and it definitely makes you more aware of your surroundings and really gets you thinking of the small things that you can be thankful for. Needless to say we kind of failed at sharing with each other every day but I havent forgot and I've thought about it every day, so I wanted to share with you all instead a few things I am thankful for.

1) I am extremely thankful for my family. Family is something we all take for granted because they are always going to be the most consistent people in your life, they will love you no matter way, they arent always the one challenging you with things so you tend to not run to them as often as you would a good friend. We tend to look over our family, guilty :), but I am so thankful for the disfunctional functional part of my family, we all have it right? haha No seriously, families are crazy but they are what makes life so interesting and fun. I get good laughs and good meals, so definitely not complaining.

2) I am thankful for the ministry I serve in, Young Life, I know I've mentioned it before. A month or so ago we had our YL Banquet and the theme for the night was "A Night with the Stars" in which the leaders were the ones showcased for the night. It was so awesome for me because I realized I was a leader, I was a star, I finally was the person God intended me to be and I was lucky enough to see what Gods love looked like and what a relationship with Him was like. Young Life changed my life and provided me with opportunity to know the Lord, and has never been the same.

3) I am so thankful for the people who have been placed in my life. Sometimes I sit in a room full of my friends and I just thank God for them, its amazing the amount of laughter, love, and fun you can put in one room. I've been blessed to share my life and all the fun stuff that comes with it and for them to share theirs with me, that to me is one of the most of beautiful things to me.

These are the top things I am thankful for but there is so much more that I could ramble on and on about but I would need more than just a blog to express them. Mmm... but something to leave you with, go out and look at the sunset one evening, its absolutely beautiful... think of some things you are thankful for, kind of gives you a new perspective on some things in life.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Real Life-CCF

Cleveland County, North Carolina home to the biggest county fair in the state of North Carolina. Yea, thats right people this small town I was born in is good for a few things. But real life, the Cleveland County Fair is one of the biggest highlights of the year for people who live around Shelby, including myself.

For 2011 CCF, it was bound to be a big year--bigger and better! The fair came to town Sept 28th-Oct 8th and out of 11 days here, you would find me there 8 out of the 11. I know, I know, it's absurd but IT WAS SO MUCH FUN! Of course, it is all about strategy, you cant go for the same things every day you'll just get bored so you have to space it out; a couple days for food, a couple days for rides, might want to throw in a day or two for sight seeing because some of the people that show up are surely a sight to be seen and you cant forget about the pig racing where you would find Amy Brown at every race there was when she was at the fair. 

I could go on talking about the fair forever but pictures will really tell the story:


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Real Life-Chelsea Hearne a.k.a. Chelhe

"I'm going to punch you"-famous words this kid and I tell each other almost every day. 

On a real life note, get it real life, haha anyways its only appropriate to crack jokes when it comes to writing about Chelsea because we just have such a good time together and are constantly cracking jokes at things and each other, more each other of course. She can drives me insane sometimes but is one of a few who make me happy just being around her. 

When I first met Chelsea, I immediately looked up to her because she has a way with people that just draw them to her, whether it's a stranger who needs a ride or the old man who comes to the coffee shop almost everyday. Her smile, brings smiles, and her heart for people, and passion for community gives people the sense of freedom and hope that they can do things, that if they want to make a change and want to grow, it's definitely possible, which is how I felt and still do.

But heres the thing, when it comes to this kid she is human so she too like most of us often lose sight of the things we are not only capable of but are built from. She is an amazing friend, I say this personally because she is truely a great friend to me but she knows how to love and thrives on spreading the love and the truth of God. God didnt pick the crazy intense, super awkward girl for nothing, he had good intentions thats for sure. She now currently resides on the craziest hall and dorm on the entire campus, she has crazy best friends that love every bit of her, she loves on a bunch of crazy soccer girls because athletes are people too, and she is a bright light in so so so many peoples lives.

I am extremely thankful for this girl every day of my life. I am thankful for Chelsea, Amy, Brittany, and Hannah, and others to come because my eyes have been opened to so much being around them. Their friendships are what keeps me pumped up about life. 

Love you Chelsea Hearne! 

p.s. you're a great friend, no you cant punch me :)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Real Life- Party Rock


What do you do when you really love someone? Well you duct tape them to a wall of course. Love this girl! Not many people would agree to doing this, meaning no we did not strap her to the wall without giving her the choice hahaha as funny as that would have been- next time. Yay birthdays and duct tape!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Real Life-Amy Brown a.k.a. Amy Brown

This is Amy Brown, another person that plays a huge role in my life. For me, coming to Gardner-Webb felt right and I knew it was but I knew it would take some getting used to and work to become the person God was calling me to be. Immediately I jumped into a bible study with a bunch of girls who did Young Life with me and was led by Amy. I think it was either the first or second bible study meeting when God put it on my heart to be open and honest with Amy, which isn't an easy thing for me but an awesome quality about Amy is the comfort you have just being around her, she is fun and crazy but loving and caring just as much. After talking with Amy a giant weight lifted off my shoulders but it was just the beginning of my journey here at GWU. 

From there Amy along with many others have just challenged me to grow in my faith and just be the person I was meant to be. Amy and I laugh a lot because our lives and stories are just crazy similar, which makes it great because she understands my life and vice versa. I am just super thankful for her and the things she has done and helped me with.

Another really awesome thing about her is her passion for youth, a passion we both share but for me I sometimes get overwhelmed with the chaos of middle schoolers, I mean who wouldn't, but when I see the love that she pours out to them, I just get really excited and fired up again to keep doing what I love and follow my heart in my growing call to do ministry despite different obstacles.

I really wish most people could know Amy like I do along with my other great friends because it has changed my life a lot since college and I couldn't ask for anything more.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Real Life- Bunions stink!

I don't know if any of you know what a bunion is, besides just a funny word, but a bunion is when the big toe points towards the 2nd toe and causes a bump on the outside of the foot. Sometimes bunions arent really a problem your feet just look funny, but other times they actually can be pretty bad and hurt. Luckily for my little sister she had one of her left foot that was killing her, plus she plays alot of sports so it kept getting worse and worse. From this the only way to fix it is surgery which she had 3 days ago. She was really nervous about being put to sleep and so was I but everything went great, and it was so funny to see her completely helpless after the surgery (which sounds mean but this kid is super stubborn and never gets help so the fact she couldnt get a tissue from where she was sitting to a table was just hilarious)

Check out the xrays and her before and after surgery party:

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Real Life- Brittany Mote a.k.a Bmote

Hmmm....I dont even know where to begin when it comes to Brittany Mote. She's hilarious, she is sweet, she is one of the most caring people that I know, she worries too much, she is a selective vegetarian (Ill probably get in trouble for that one), and she is just straight up awesome.

This past summer Brittany and I had just a lot of time to grow together, we both had busy lives but when we had down time we spent it together and I just fell in love with her. Not that I didnt love her before but I definitely saw us as opposites, she tended to be high strung and I just didnt care but over time I have just learned so much about her and so much from her. I thought I knew how to love people well but she taught me how to love even more and with my whole heart. Her passion for the things that she is involved in runs so much deeper than most people and you can just see it in her eyes, and it rubs off for sure.

Me and Bmote
Cleveland County Fair 10'

But with all that love, you must have laughter and boy does she create laughter. Sometimes I wonder how in the world she would like all of us to respond to the ridiculous things she does but in the end we laugh. She also knows how to put on her sassy pants and just say whatever she's thinking. So watch out!

Seriously though, Bmote has been so big in my life over the years even when I didnt notice. I love her alot and I know you would to, and hey she would love you too because she is so good at loving people.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Real Life- Hannah Vaughn a.k.a Banana

I said in the blog before this that I wanted to introduce you to some of my friends because they are really awesome people and deserve some shout outs, starting with this kid. :) Well she isnt really a kid but she can wear kid clothes haha, you can laugh, its cute.

Hannah Vaughn is some one who has shared lots and lots and lots of laughter with me over the past year, from her pretending to fall out of a chair, a window actually falling on my head, or having slapping wars which just look really absurd. I like to think of her as my little ball of sunshine because well, she is. I love being around her along with most people.

Top qualities about this girl. Probably one of the strongest people that I know, hands down. Now I'm going to be honest and say that Hannah and I havent been best friends crazy long, we do Young Life together so I've known her for a while but I was dumb and didnt attempt to get to know her sooner, boy was I missing out for sure. BUT despite the lack of effort, she still stood out to me because everyone just loved her and there was always laughter that surrounded her and I just knew she was special, and she is very special to me.

If you need someone to live in the moment with call banana because she will fully embrace whatever that moment is and laugh about it afterwards. She has a good heart and loves people and I love that she loves me because "All You Need is Love," am I right or am I right?

Love you Banana!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Real Life-Junior Year

Ahhh cant believe it is time for another year at school! Super pumped about it but its just crazy, I'm this old? :) Just kidding just kidding. It is going to probably be the best year to date. Last year was good there was a heck of alot of growing and alot of craziness and so this year my group of friends and I are working on filling in the gaps, living life, and loving each other the best that we can-even if it means giving them a hard time over a first date.

Its just another year that we get to grow together in the body of Christ, which is so cool to me. I wish that everyone could experience what I have got to experience since I came to Gardner Webb as a transfer sophomore. From day one I have been challenged, I have been loved, and the greatest of it all is that I've been free to be me, what more could I ask for.

My group of friends is the most absurd group of people anyone will ever be around. As I said earlier I wish everyone could experience each one of them the way that I have and it is just sooo good, we are very complex in our own ways, but we seriously know how to be "high on life" because never has a day went by where there wasn't enough laughter to spread around campus. It makes me smile so much just thinking about it. Maybe over the next few blogs or so I'll introduce you to them because they are great and they have changed my life and have brought so much light into my life. And the coolest thing about it all is that the extent of the love we have for one another doesnt just circle around us it just expands and we constantly are looking to reach out to others and bring them into this body of Christ that we were made for and should all have the chance to experience.

Love them, love college, definitely going to love Junior Year! Bring em out bring em out!

Reba & Chelsea
Court, Steph, Trem, Amy, & Hannah

Amy, Chelsea, Me, MC, Amy
Katey (BEST FRIEND) & Me

Caroling Party- Dec 10'
Bmote and Me
Cleveland County Fair 10'
Baili, Steph, Me, Sara, & Faith
Chelsea's 21st birthday!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Real Life-Summer 2011 recap

 Well Summer 2011 has been a rollercoaster of fun...whooo, can you hear my excitement??! Its been a good bit since I have blogged so I figured it is about time to hit it up but I just dont know where to start, so I'm going to break it down as simply as I can. We'll start from the beginning I suppose...

The end of May and beginning of June I spent a month in pompano beach, I was able to blog while I was there cause I had internet. During that month my aunt from NC who lives down the road from me took my grandfather back with her to NC, leaving me and my grandmother to party hard meaning she had knee surgery and I ran errands, which was easy to do in the sunshine state. I had the chance to grow in the Lord, get a handle on some things, hang out with my awesome grandma whom I call Mama B (not many grandmas have 'G' names like that), and work on my tan. I read alot of books which is something I love to do but never slow down enough to do and got addicted to the show Swamp People which I highly recommend, even my grandma thought I was crazy but loved it by the end.

Anyways after a month in the Sunshine State, and once my grandmother felt better from surgery we headed on up to Shelby, NC. With my grandmother in NC there is still no time lost, she always likes to get projects going on her parents house down the road from me so needless to say all the hours of watching HGTV and TLC came in handy. My little sister Sydney and I almost single handedly renovated the kitchen there.

Busy busy busy. My grandmother stayed in Shelby for about 3 weeks, after we finished the kitchen I took off one weekend with my friend Lydia to visit my best friend Elizabeth and her family in Johnson City, Tennessee. We left went to Asheville and hung out, I experienced my first Gay Parade, very interesting, we picked Elizabeth up spent the night at her house in JC and this summer Elizabeth worked at a camp in Banner Elk so we chose to take her back to camp the next day (1) because the mountains are beautiful and I love just driving through them (2) I missed my best friend so I wanted as much time as possible. It was a very spontaneous exciting trip to TN. But was one of those that ended too soon and back to Shelby we went.

When I got back to Shelby, my grandmother was again ready to hit the ground running but this time it was back to her house. When it was time to go back to Florida, she needed someone to drive her and my grandfather because it is a 12 hour trip, I was free so what the heck. Alright now bear with me for this cause that week was hectic... on Wednesday I went to Carowinds, Thursday I drove us down to Pompano, and then on Friday I hopped back in the car with more family from FL and drove back up to Lake Norman.

Yes, Lake Norman. One of my aunts uncle and 2 cousins live on the street over from my grandmother, and last year they rented a house in Lake Norman and this summer they did it again. Conveniently we got back just in time so that I could ride back with them instead of flying home. But I definitely dont recommend 24 hours in a car that fast, it was so tiring. Anyways we drove to Lake Norman my sisters came up that night and we spent the whole week there with them. I fished alot with my cousin Ethan, my uncle brought his Skater boat up so we hit 90 mph a couple times on the lake, and one day we rented Jet Skiis. (Ill have to put pictures of all this up later too)

After the week was up, they went home and I was onto my next crazy adventure. Appalachian Trail here I come! I met Elizabeth and her family again but this time at their mountain house between Spruce Pine and Little Switzerland, parked the car we packed our backpacks her dad Allen dropped us off and Elizabeth Marianne (her mom) and myself were on our way. Did I say I had never backpacked before? Oh yea, nope, this was my first time--now lets be for real, real life-I thought I was going to die. It was definitely a trip that I look back on and was like that was beautiful but during it the only thing on my mind was "Are we there yet?". But really it was great, I got some awesome time to hang with Elizabeth and the mountains are beautiful. God was so big during this whole trip. 

Needless to say the trip was great, but the shower I took afterwards was one of the best showers I've ever taken and the meal afterwards mmmm....soo good. I loved being with Elizabeth but eventually the fun had to end and I had to head home. On to the next adventure I should say....

A few days after I got back from backpacking I was in the car AGAIN on my way to Marietta, GA to spend time with my little cousins Dylan and Alexis. SN: they are my two most favorite people, I love them to death Any who I was excited to spend time with them. When we arrived in Marietta there was construction going on at their house. A while back a tree had fell on their house so they took the opportunity to renovate things and one project was to stain wood in their living room. Fortunately for us the guys did it the day we were heading there, the smell was soo strong we spent the entire week in a hotel. Now Dylan and I did not object to ordering wings through room service and the three of us watched shark week, my aunt yelled at me for it but I took the educational opportunity very seriously. But all that was short lived, its rough 5 people living in a little hotel room for a week so we packed up and went back to Shelby to finish out the rest of my summer till school. 

2011 Summer recap for you peeps. Its alot but real life-my life right ?? haha Deuces yo!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Real Life- Graduation day!

Congratulations Haley!
(back row second from the left)

Today my cousin Haley who is two years younger than me is graduating from high school. Hooray! I love times like this because the whole family comes together to celebrate, I get to play with the cuties in the front in the picture and we laugh alot because sarcasm is through the roof. Love it and love Haley! Let the celebration begin 

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Real Life-Pompano Beach

Welcome to Pompano Beach, Florida everyone! Well I'm excited about this summer already because I get to spend a good bit of it in the Sunshine State, cant get any better right? 

Pompano Beach is near Fort Lauderdale if you've heard of either of these and is on the East Coast, which to me only means that I get to see some pretty awesome sunrises, depending on if I can get up that early. I prefer sunsets any other day but I'll take what I can get.

Anyways Florida, sunrises, what else does this summer have in store for me. Everything has been so far so good, the weather has been just right obviously it is hot in FL but where I am from in NC it has been hotter there than here. Around 7 o clock the sun isnt as crazy and there starts to be a nice breeze from the ocean, which did I mention I'm a hop skip and a jump from it, not far at all-even more exciting! 

Love it here! Cant wait to see what fun I can get into while I'm here! So far grandma or Mama B as I call her has me doing yard work, so if you have nothing to this summer, come on down.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011



once upon a time, we became best friends....and the story is neverending. love you so so so much! BAM!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Real Life- Needtobreathe and Friendships

I feel like during times in our lives music can be exactly the thing that expresses how we feel, whether it's when we are excited and need to crank up some Space Jam or when we are going through some hard times and for me, Needtobreathe knows how to say what's on my heart. 

Needtobreathe is literally my favorite band, my best friend and I discovered them watching the movie P.S. I Love You, funny right? I have to give her more the credit because you actually can barely hear what is playing during that scene. Anyways, so basically this our band, this past year we both were off to college far enough apart that is hasn't been the easiest to see each other, and through Needtobreathe we have been able to still celebrate together which has been cool.

Being apart from someone you love dearly is a major challenge, many people experience this through boyfriend/girlfriend relationships or husband/wife but love is something that surrounds all of us and when you love someone so dearly it can be just as difficult. We've experienced highs together this year, we have definitely experienced lows together, and we definitely have been close to losing to each other, scary stuff. 

I think the song that spoke to me most during all this has to be "These Hard Times" by Needtobreathe. It has just brought about a sense of hope in all of it, 'the faith to believe in these hard times.' I have learned through it all what real love looks like at its best and its worst, and I have seen two people grow separately but still unite in the end, even when it has looked like the light in it all wouldn't or couldn't be there again. Of course, if everything was better then that would mean it is perfect but in reality nothing is perfect and therefore there will always be hard times but with a little hope and a lot of love, you can get through it. 

I am still learning, still hoping, still loving, and still believing, 

Love you Elizabeth

Friday, April 29, 2011

Real Life-FRIDAY!!!

Well exams are around the corner which means schools out for the summer! I feel like a little kid again waiting for summer to begin, luckily for me I get out a whole before county schools. Boo ya! I have so so so much to do and have been going all week long and as much as I need to get lots more done this weekend, Friday is Fun Day  no matter what, live it up yo. 

How about a little MmmBop to get you through your day:

Yes they all look like girls in this video but if any of you watch Dancing With the Stars, they performed a couple nights ago and they are lookin fine. Too bad they are all married with children :( Oh well, enjoy!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Real Life-Gardner Webb

When there is nothing else to do at Gardner Webb...
                                               grab a friend
                                                                            ...sleep in hammocks all night
                                                                                                ....and take funny pictures

                                                    Funny                                        Cheesin it                                        
                                               Mad                                            Excited
                                        Confused                                    Tired...i guess 
       Best Horse face impression                                   Sad

....then get up and watch the sunset and go back to bed, makes for a perfect day at Gardner Webb

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Real Life-Love

Alright well been trying to think of what my next blog should be about and lately love and loving people has been the subject in many conversations lately. There is always rough times in our lives where we all lose sight of love and what it really is. I myself don't really have a solid definition or sometimes even a solid understanding of what love is but when there is or isn't love you feel a fullness or an emptiness in your heart. This I am sure of especially in the past week. I have gone from feeling empty to full.

At bible study where we have been studying James, last night we talked about James 4 and drawing close to God resisting those evil desires that we all tend to have, ridding ourselves of jealousy and pride and humbling ourselves before God. Who's convicted? This kid. I know I've struggled to stay on the side where truth is, and most importantly where true love is. Christ died for me because I was worth it and He loves me so much, so why do we struggle to love him back? Why do we tend to be scared of such love? 

When I say I have felt full lately, Gods love has just been pouring in and out of my heart. My circumstances are no longer excuses they are reasons to hold on tighter. True love comes with the risk of hurt and pain because like everything else love isn't perfect. We are not perfect but we are perfect in Gods eyes. 

Challenge of the day: Find someone and spread the LOVE yo!

Thinking about love constantly makes me think of this girl. Her name is Rebekah so luckily her nickname got to be Reba. Reba is such a beautiful person full of love, like love overload and its awesome. She brings so much laughter and fun into my life, at times I thought I knew how to love people but homegirl has got it going on and its been a blessing to have her in my life. LOVE YOU REBA!!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Real Life-Pickles


Well today is the day my partner in crime has turned 8 years old!! Ah this is insane, now I definitely feel like I am getting old. Ever since Dylan was born I was so excited to have another boy cousin, having had one born the year before,Ethan who is a year older. My family is full of girls girls and more girls and me being a tom boy for the longest time was excited to finally have some boys in the family. Yayyyy!

Even before Dylan could talk, he was hilarious. Even when he slept he managed to make me laugh. And he only got funnier the more words he learned and things he was able to get into. My favorite thing about boys, and Dylan in particular was that instead of girls who cry and get hurt, Dylan would run jump off the couch land on the floor have everyone scared to death, and get up and just start rolling with laughter. I knew we were going to be best buddies.

But Dylan doesn't just have good jokes, and lots of energy, boy does he have some charm. He knows exactly what to say and when to say it. Most of my family would say he has me wrapped around my finger, but really I know how he rolls so really we just help each other out. He works his magic and I got his back and the other way around. We know how to get the job done. Can't beat us in wii baseball either! 

Dylan is absurd, and I cant believe how old he is getting but a big part of me cant wait til he gets older cause I have had much practice with my little sister on how to embarrass someone when they need it most. Him being a boy will sure make it easy. He'll always be my favorite cousin, there I said it, yes people you can have favorites :)

Love you pickles!! 
                                                         Alexis            Me              Dylan