Saturday, June 2, 2012

Real Life-finding normalcy

well last week was long, had great great moments and really low moments. i guess moments in life are what create who we are though right? I am thankful for all of last week even though wasnt sure how I was going to recover at one point. been struggling being home mainly in the dull moments when i sit home alone with nothing to do because i think too much and I am not used to being still that long. kind of makes me go crazy to say the least. i miss my friends a lot too because with friends its easy especially in a community of believers where we are all seeking to be christ like and serve each other in many ways.

something that i do cherish though about being a part from people is being able to realize how much you do appreciate and love each individual for the special things they all bring into your life. just like when you are away at college and your family is what you miss most because of little things that while living there you always overlooked or took for granted. its cool and fun. of course nowadays we have all this glorious technology that still lets us be in touch with each other whenever we want, sometimes its a blessing, sometimes it works against us. i admit i enjoy it because lets be for real, probably wouldnt make it without it but sometimes i just want to be next to that person, have a real conversation sitting next to that person, not just be a text message that may or may not interrupt whatever that person is doing...sometimes i just dont enjoy it at all.

this past week helen went on a family vacation and we decided to not speak or text i guess you should say the whole time she was away. ok heres the thing, this is the person i see and talk to most in my with that i knew it was going to be so hard but i figured it wouldnt be half bad because me and chels were going to road trip it to raleigh for a couple of days to see lydia so i knew my mind would at least be able to get away somewhere. of course there was divine intervention and our road trip got cancelled.

no babysitting jobs. no friends around. everyones at work. cut myself off from one tree hill haha. good news though I MADE IT! it was hard not to talk to helen but we both agreed that it made us both appreciate other a lot more and so that was cool. and while she was away i wanted to try and use that time to really focus on some things. before she left we had a couple conversations on making sure we were focusing our attention on the Lord and not just our friendship, something that we both can easily sway away from. also in the back of my mind that week I just kept thinking of what Chelsea might say, she has always been one to remind me to find joy in being still. So I just devoted a lot of my time to the Lord last week and just let Him speak to me in anything I happened to be doing that day.

I for once used my thoughts in a good way I guess you could say...I didnt allow them to work against me this time and it was cool. For me its easy to appreciate the good when I feel like the moment is perfect and a lot of the times when I am sharing it with someone I love. But this past week I got to enjoy looking at the sunset by myself, seeing and feeling the rain and hearing the thunder by myself, watching the clouds roll on and wandering if the sky could look more beautiful by was all beautiful and I got to appreciate the Lords work, just me and God. I loved that part of the week. But now being able to talk to Helen again and having my friend Brittany come visit and stay with me this weekend, and going for a drive with Chelsea made me even more thankful that the most beautiful thing about it all is that we can appreciate these things alone but we were made to be in relationships just like our relationship with the Lord and we dont have to be alone or do it all alone and boy is it a great thing.

thats all for now folks. yolo! :)

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