Thursday, April 7, 2011

Real Life-Love

Alright well been trying to think of what my next blog should be about and lately love and loving people has been the subject in many conversations lately. There is always rough times in our lives where we all lose sight of love and what it really is. I myself don't really have a solid definition or sometimes even a solid understanding of what love is but when there is or isn't love you feel a fullness or an emptiness in your heart. This I am sure of especially in the past week. I have gone from feeling empty to full.

At bible study where we have been studying James, last night we talked about James 4 and drawing close to God resisting those evil desires that we all tend to have, ridding ourselves of jealousy and pride and humbling ourselves before God. Who's convicted? This kid. I know I've struggled to stay on the side where truth is, and most importantly where true love is. Christ died for me because I was worth it and He loves me so much, so why do we struggle to love him back? Why do we tend to be scared of such love? 

When I say I have felt full lately, Gods love has just been pouring in and out of my heart. My circumstances are no longer excuses they are reasons to hold on tighter. True love comes with the risk of hurt and pain because like everything else love isn't perfect. We are not perfect but we are perfect in Gods eyes. 

Challenge of the day: Find someone and spread the LOVE yo!

Thinking about love constantly makes me think of this girl. Her name is Rebekah so luckily her nickname got to be Reba. Reba is such a beautiful person full of love, like love overload and its awesome. She brings so much laughter and fun into my life, at times I thought I knew how to love people but homegirl has got it going on and its been a blessing to have her in my life. LOVE YOU REBA!!

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