Earlier in November a friend of mine brought up the idea of sharing daily something we were thankful for because it was something that her family did every year in the month of November before Thanksgiving. Obviously we should be thankful every day not just this one time of year but this idea was cool and it definitely makes you more aware of your surroundings and really gets you thinking of the small things that you can be thankful for. Needless to say we kind of failed at sharing with each other every day but I havent forgot and I've thought about it every day, so I wanted to share with you all instead a few things I am thankful for.
1) I am extremely thankful for my family. Family is something we all take for granted because they are always going to be the most consistent people in your life, they will love you no matter way, they arent always the one challenging you with things so you tend to not run to them as often as you would a good friend. We tend to look over our family, guilty :), but I am so thankful for the disfunctional functional part of my family, we all have it right? haha No seriously, families are crazy but they are what makes life so interesting and fun. I get good laughs and good meals, so definitely not complaining.
2) I am thankful for the ministry I serve in, Young Life, I know I've mentioned it before. A month or so ago we had our YL Banquet and the theme for the night was "A Night with the Stars" in which the leaders were the ones showcased for the night. It was so awesome for me because I realized I was a leader, I was a star, I finally was the person God intended me to be and I was lucky enough to see what Gods love looked like and what a relationship with Him was like. Young Life changed my life and provided me with opportunity to know the Lord, and ...life has never been the same.
3) I am so thankful for the people who have been placed in my life. Sometimes I sit in a room full of my friends and I just thank God for them, its amazing the amount of laughter, love, and fun you can put in one room. I've been blessed to share my life and all the fun stuff that comes with it and for them to share theirs with me, that to me is one of the most of beautiful things to me.
These are the top things I am thankful for but there is so much more that I could ramble on and on about but I would need more than just a blog to express them. Mmm... but something to leave you with, go out and look at the sunset one evening, its absolutely beautiful... think of some things you are thankful for, kind of gives you a new perspective on some things in life.